Friday, April 21, 2017

Klimt Gustav and The Rise of a New Succession


                       Klimt Gustav and The Rise of a New Succession?

                                                           Bri Lucero 21 April 2017

     Klimt Gustav was born in Baumgarten, Austria in 1862 as the second of seven children. His father, a struggling gold engraver, and his two brothers were all artists who lived in poverty as immigrants along with his mother and four sisters.

         In 1876 Klimt Gustav entered the Art School of Vienna, Kunstgewerbeschule, where he studied architectural painting and practices traditional techniques of arts and crafts. Two years later his brother Ernest and some friends began working on commercial projects called "The Company of Artists," where they were commissioned to work on pieces such as the Burgtheater and on high ceilings.
Burgtheater Exterior
Burgtheater Interior
      In 1892 Klimt's Father and his Brother Died and he had taken responsibility of the families financial hardship.
     Through this period Klimt had met a Woman by the name of Emelie Flöge, a woman of mystery who he had gone on many vacations with where he began to paint landscapes. There are no accounts on these two having any sexual relations however, Klimt Gustav's only writings had been post cards to Emilie and it is said that he had fathered 14 children.

Emelie Flöge and Klimt Gustav

              1897, The Vienna Succession was founded and Klimt Gustav was commissioned to decorate the ceiling of the Great Hall in the University of Vienna with his paintings. Klimt created three pieces called  Philosophy, Medicine, and Jurisprudence. They were all destroyed in 1945 by S.S. retreating forces. During this period of time Klimt Gustav began developing his own style in which he claimed grand prize in the 1900 World Fair in Paris.

Although the people of Paris were quite pleased of the elegance of his symbolism and  the use of "Femme Fatale" in his artwork, the people of his home country in Austria saw these pieces as "pornographic" in nature. Klimt's style had transitioned from traditional to a style which rejects earlier naturalistic styles. In this new stage of his career, Klimt
                      Medicine close up
attempted to convey psychological ideas which Emphasized the powerful idea of freedom. Klimt Gustav's participation in The Vienna Succession is seen through the ideas this movement had represented.

What was the Vienna Succession? And why was it important???

The Kiss

To be continued... :)

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Video Archives

                What is Creative Unity Collective? RECENT-OLDEST     19APRIL 2017        18APRIL 2017

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Creative Unity Collective Purpose

                          Creative Unity Collective

                                          What Is Our Purpose

                                                          Sun 16 April 17


     We are aiming to create a community of artists who come together with their proactive ideas and unique abilities in order to bring about positive change to the world.

      If you have a project that you truly believe betters the community and would love some feedback, exposure, and help, please contact us below through email with the following...


  • Your Name                                                
  • Why do we need creativity?                                           
  • How will you use creativity to make a difference?                 
     In doing this we hope to create a platform full of unique individuals who need support hands on and through exposure such as through a blog article, Youtube/ Facebook/ Instagram/ Twitter post all about you and ways anyone can help. It is suggested one sets up a Patreon ( and follow ours at Creative Unity Collective to gain support in possible give aways. In the future we plan to get real people together for local workshops and perhaps small local classes or even galleries and music shows. We will also be posting weekly blogs on a plethora on topics so check in frequently! If you would even like to share research or your poetry you will be credited for everything you do. It is all coming together and if your vision is similar to this and you'd like to share with us please email, support, and find Creative Unity Collective on the web.

If you are in San Diego we will be starting there and growing as people from other locations contact us and create teams.

     With your support we will grow and bring attention to the heroes of our communities and actively become a part of something bigger than ourselves.

        Our passions and hearts will unify us. Our knowledge will take us further.  #creativeunity